Wednesday, 27 February 2013

throws of perfection

Sometimes I just feel fully exhausted from the world. Earth is heavy. People are needy. Things are unfinished. Sin abounds. They won't stop killing. Arguable news anchors. Dogs that won't stop barking. We don't follow through with what we say. Unemployment. Blemishes on young skin. So much talking. It's just noisy.

Oh, how I crave for the serenity in Christ Jesus. I crave the peace that was set in place by our Father before Adam and Eve took a big juicy bite of the fruit that brought about discontentment. I crave perfection-- not necessarily because I want to be perfect, but in a way, yes. We all want to be perfect. We want the perfect job. We want the perfect relationship; the perfect marriage. We want perfect children and a perfect community of friends. We want perfect politics reigning over a perfectly moral country.

This isn't an altogether unnatural or unfair request. We desire perfection because we were designed for perfection. That was the original plan-- that we, humans, would live in perfect harmony with Yahweh as the crown of his Creation, enjoying all of the other perfectly lovely Created things with Him. But sin entered when humans thought that it was certainly all Good, but there was only one thing out of their reach-- ultimate power as the most Holy and Perfect one who was able to create perfection. We wanted what we couldn't have. And now we seem to always want what we can't have, do we not? Name your vice-- it's different for many, but with the same ugly roots as Adam and Eve. The ability to live within perfection created by God was removed from humans, but the desire for it remained.

And so here I find myself: sitting cross-legged in my room on the third floor, with my snoring dog beside me, my curtains drawn, soft music playing loud to drown out the sound of cars and talking, feeling imperfect myself and feeling frustrated with the imperfections and heaviness of the world. I want to be up there in that photo. I'm not saying that it's okay for me to feel this way; however, I feel a sense of understanding for the root of it all, and my love for God and for his Perfect Righteousness is increased.

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